SAP BW / BI Support Issues Cont....

How to supress messages generated by BW Queries
Standard Solution :
You might be aware of a standard solution. In transaction RSRT, select your query and click on the "message" button. Now you can determine which messages for the chosen query are not to be shown to the user in the front-end.

Custom Solution:
Only selected messages can be suppressed using the standard solution. However, there's a clever way you can implement your own solution... and you don't need to modify the system for it!All messages are collected using function RRMS_MESSAGE_HANDLING. So all you have to do is implement an enhancement at the start of this function module. Now it's easy. Code your own logic to check the input parameters like the message class and number and skip the remainder of the processing logic if you don't want this message to show up in the front-end.

FUNCTION rrms_message_handling.
* Filter BIA Message
if i_class = 'RSD_TREX' and i_type = 'W' and i_number = '136'*
just testing it.*
exitend if.
Dummy ..

How can I display attributes for the characteristic in the input help?
Attributes for the characteristic can be displayed in the respective filter dialogs in the BEx Java Web or in the BEx Tools using the settings dialogs for the characteristic. Refer to the related application documentation for more details.In addition, you can determine the initial visibility and the display sequence of the attributes in InfoObject maintenance on the tab page "Attributes" -> "Detail" -> column "Sequence F4". Attributes marked with "0" are not displayed initially in the input help.

Why do the settings for the input help from the BEx Query Designer and from the InfoProvider-specific characteristic settings not take effect on the variable screen?
On the variable screen, you use input helps for selecting characteristic values for variables that are based on characteristics. Since variables from different queries and from potentially different InfoProviders can be merged on the variable screen, you cannot clearly determine which settings should be used from the different queries or InfoProviders. For this reason, you can use only the settings on the variable screen that were made in InfoObject maintenance.

Why do the read mode settings for the characteristic and the provider-specific read mode settings not take effect during the execution of a query in the BEx Analyzer?

The query read mode settings always take effect in the BEx Analyzer during the execution of a query. If no setting was made in the BEx Query Designer, then default read mode Q (query) is used.

How can I change settings for the input help on the variable screen in the BEx Java Web?

In the BEx Java Web, at present, you can make settings for the input help only using InfoObject maintenance. You can no longer change these settings subsequently on the variable screen.

Selective Deletion in Process Chain
The standard procedure :
1. Create a variant which is stored in the table RSDRBATCHPARA for the selection to be deleted from a data target.
2. Execute the generated program.
The generated program executes will delete the data from data target based on the given selections. The program also removes the variant created for this selective deletion in the RSDRBATCHPARA table. So this generated program wont delete on the second execution.

If we want to use this program for scheduling in the process chain we can comment the step where the program remove the deletion of the generated variant.

I_THRESHOLD = '1.0000E-01'
I_MODE = 'C'
L_T_MSG.export l_t_msg to memory id sy-repid.

ABAP program to find prev request in cube and delete
There will be cases when we cannot use the SAP built-in settings to delete previous request..The logic to determine previous request may be so customised, a requirement.In such cases you can write a ABAP program which calculates previous request basing our own defined logic.Following are the tables used : RSICCONT ---(list of all requests in any particular cube)RSSELDONE ----- ( has got Reqnumb, source , target , selection infoobject , selections ..etc)Following is one example code. Logic is to select request based on selection conditions used in the infopackage:

TCURF is always used in reference to Exchange rate.( in case of currency translation ).For example, Say we want to convert fig's from FROM curr to TO curr at Daily avg rate (M) and we have an exchange rate as 2,642.34. Factors for this currency combination for M in TCURF are say 100,000:1.Now the effective exchange rate becomes 0.02642.
Question ( taken from sdn ):can't we have an exchange rate of 0.02642 and not at all use the factors from TCURF table?.I suppose we have to still maintain factors as 1:1 in TCURF table if we are using exchange rate as 0.02642. am I right?. But why is this so?. Can't I get rid off TCURF.What is the use of TCURF co-existing with TCURR.Answer :Normally it's used to allow you a greater precision in calaculationsie 0.00011 with no factors gives a different result to0.00111 with factor of 10:1So basing on the above answer, TCURF allows greater precision in calculations.Its factor shud be considered before considering exchange rate

.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TCURRTCURR table is generally used while we create currency conversion types.The currency conversion types will refer to the entries in TCURR defined against each currency ( with time reference) and get the exchange rate factor from source currency to target currency.

table is used to exactly define the correct number of decimal places for any currency. It shows effect in the BEx report output.

How to define F4 Order Help for infoobject for reporting
Open attributes tab of infoobject definition.In that you will observe column for F4 order help against each attribute of that infoobject like below :
This field defines whether and where the attribute should appear in the value help.Valid values:• 00: The attribute does not appear in the value help.•
01: The attribute appears at the first position (to the left) in the value help.•
02: The attribute appears at the second position in the valuehelp.•
03: ......• Altogether, only 40 fields are permitted in the input help. In addition to the attributes, the characteristic itsel, its texts, and the compounded characteristics are also generated in the input help. The total number of these fields cannot exceed 40.
So accordingly , the inofobjects are changed> Suppose if say for infobject 0vendor, if in case 0country ( which is an attribute of 0vendor) is not be shown in the F4 help of 0vendor , then mark 0 against the attribtue 0country in the infoobject definition of 0vendor.

Dimension Size Vs Fact Size
The current size of all dimensions can be monitored in relation to fact table by t-code se38 running report SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS.Also,we can test the infocube design by RSRV tests.It gives out the dimension to fact ratio.

The ratio of a dimension should be less than 10% of the fact table.In the report,Dimension table looks like /BI[C/O]/D[xxx]
Fact table looks like /BI[C/0]/[E/F][xxx]
Use T-CODE LISTSCHEMA to show the different tables associated with a cube.

When a dimension grows very large in relation to the fact table, db optimizer can't choose efficient path to the data because the guideline of each dimension having less than 10 percent of the fact table's records has been violated.

The condition of having large data growth in a dimension is called degenerative dimension.To fix, move the characteristics to different dimensions. But can only be done when no data in the InfoCube.

Note : In case if you have requirement to include item level details in the cube, then may be the Dim to Fact size will obviously be more which you cant help it.But you can make the item charecterstic to be in a line item dimension in that case.Line item dimension is a dimension having only one charecterstic in it.In this case, Since there is only one charecterstic in the dimension, the fact table entry can directly link with the SID of the charecterstic without using any DIMid (Dimid in dimension table usually connects the SID of the charecterstic with the fact) .Since link happens by ignoring dimension table ( not in real sense ) , this will have faster query performance.

BW Main tables
Extractor related tables: ROOSOURCE - On source system R/3 server, filter by: OBJVERS = 'A'
Data source / DS type / delta type/ extract method (table or function module) / etc
RODELTAM - Delta type lookup table.
ROIDOCPRMS - Control parameters for data transfer from the source system, result of "SBIW - General setting - Maintain Control Parameters for Data Transfer" on OLTP system.
maxsize: Maximum size of a data packet in kilo bytes
STATFRQU: Frequency with which status Idocs are sent
MAXPROCS: Maximum number of parallel processes for data transfer
MAXLINES: Maximum Number of Lines in a DataPacketMAXDPAKS: Maximum Number of Data Packages in a Delta RequestSLOGSYS: Source system.

Query related tables:
RSZELTDIR: filter by: OBJVERS = 'A', DEFTP: REP - query, CKF - Calculated key figureReporting component elements, query, variable, structure, formula, etc
RSZELTTXT: Similar to RSZELTDIR. Texts of reporting component elementsTo get a list of query elements built on that cube:RSZELTXREF: filter by: OBJVERS = 'A', INFOCUBE= [cubename]
To get all queries of a cube:RSRREPDIR: filter by: OBJVERS = 'A', INFOCUBE= [cubename]To get query change status (version, last changed by, owner) of a cube:RSZCOMPDIR: OBJVERS = 'A' .

Workbooks related tables:
RSRWBINDEX List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks)
RSRWBINDEXT Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks)
RSRWBSTORE Storage for binary large objects (Excel workbooks)
RSRWBTEMPLATE Assignment of Excel workbooks as personal templatesRSRWORKBOOK 'Where-used list' for reports in workbooks.

Web templates tables:
RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects
RSZWOBJTXT Texts for Templates/Items/Views
RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a TemplateRSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates.

Data target loading/status tables:
rsreqdone, " Request-Data
rsseldone, " Selection for current Request
rsiccont, " Request posted to which InfoCube
rsdcube, " Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider
rsdcubet, " Texts for the InfoCubes
rsmonfact, " Fact table monitor
rsdodso, " Directory of all ODS Objects
rsdodsot, " Texts of ODS Objectssscrfields. " Fields on selection screens

Tables holding charactoristics:
OBJVERS -> A = active; M=modified; D=delivered
(business content characteristics that have only D version and no A version means not activated yet)TXTTABFL -> = x -> has text
ATTRIBFL -> = x -> has attribute
RSREQICODS. requests in ods
RSMONICTAB: all requestsTransfer Structures live in PSAPODSD
/BIC/B0000174000 Trannsfer Structure
Master Data lives in PSAPSTABD
/BIC/IXXXXXXX SID Structure of hierarchies:
/BIC/JXXXXXXX Hierarchy intervals
/BIC/KXXXXXXX Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID:
/BIC/PXXXXXXX Master data (time-independent):
/BIC/SXXXXXXX Master data IDs:
/BIC/TXXXXXXX Texts: Char./BIC/XXXXXXXX Attribute SID table:

Master Data views
/BIC/MXXXXXXX master data tables:
/BIC/RXXXXXXX View SIDs and values:
/BIC/ZXXXXXXX View hierarchy SIDs and nodes:InfoCube Names in PSAPDIMD
/BIC/Dcube_name1 Dimension 1....../BIC/Dcube_nameA Dimension 10
/BIC/Dcube_nameB Dimension 11
/BIC/Dcube_nameC Dimension 12
/BIC/Dcube_nameD Dimension 13
/BIC/Dcube_nameP Data Packet
/BIC/Dcube_nameT Time/BIC/Dcube_nameU Unit
/BIC/Ecube_name Fact Table (inactive)/BIC/Fcube_name Fact table (active)

ODS Table names (PSAPODSD)
BW3.5/BIC/AXXXXXXX00 ODS object XXXXXXX : Actve records
/BIC/AXXXXXXX40 ODS object XXXXXXX : New records
/BIC/AXXXXXXX50 ODS object XXXXXXX : Change log

/BIC/AXXXXXXX00 ODS object XXXXXXX : Actve records
/BIC/AXXXXXXX10 ODS object XXXXXXX : New records

T-code tables:
tstc -- table of transaction code, text and program name
tstct - t-code text .

1What is tickets? And example?
The typical tickets in a production Support work could be:
1. Loading any of the missing master data attributes/texts.
2. Create ADHOC hierarchies.
3. Validating the data in Cubes/ODS.
4. If any of the loads runs into errors then resolve it.
5. Add/remove fields in any of the master data/ODS/Cube.
6. Data source Enhancement.
7. Create ADHOC reports.
1. Loading any of the missing master data attributes/texts - This would be done by scheduling the info packages for the attributes/texts mentioned by the client.
2. Create ADHOC hierarchies. - Create hierarchies in RSA1 for the info-object.
3. Validating the data in Cubes/ODS. - By using the Validation reports or by comparing BW data with R/3.
4. If any of the loads runs into errors then resolve it. - Analyze the error and take suitable action.
5. Add/remove fields in any of the master data/ODS/Cube. - Depends upon the requirement
6. Data source Enhancement.
7. Create ADHOC reports. - Create some new reports based on the requirement of client.
Tickets are the tracking tool by which the user will track the work which we do. It can be a change requests or data loads or whatever. They will of types critical or moderate. Critical can be (Need to solve in 1 day or half a day) depends on the client. After solving the ticket will be closed by informing the client that the issue is solved. Tickets are raised at the time of support project these may be any issues, problems.....etc. If the support person faces any issues then he will ask/request to operator to raise a ticket. Operator will raise a ticket and assign it to the respective person. Critical means it is most complicated issues ....depends how you measure this...hope it helps. The concept of Ticket varies from contract to contract in between companies. Generally Ticket raised by the client can be considered based on the priority. Like High Priority, Low priority and so on. If a ticket is of high priority it has to be resolved ASAP. If the ticket is of low priority it must be considered only after attending to high priority tickets.
Checklists for a support project of BPS - To start the checklist:
1) Info Cubes / ODS / data targets 2) planning areas 3) planning levels 4) planning packages 5) planning functions 6) planning layouts 7) global planning sequences 8) profiles 9) list of reports 10) process chains 11) enhancements in update routines 12) any ABAP programs to be run and their logic 13) major bps dev issues 14) major bps production support issues and resolution .

2 What are the tools to download tickets from client? Are there any standard tools or it depends upon company or client...?
Yes there are some tools for that. We use Hpopenview. Depends on client what they use. You are right. There are so many tools available and as you said some clients will develop their own tools using JAVA, ASP and other software. Some clients use just Lotus Notes. Generally 'Vantive' is used for tracking user requests and tickets.
It has a vantive ticket ID, field for description of problem, severity for the business, priority for the user, group assigned etc.
Different technical groups will have different group ID's.
User talks to Level 1 helpdesk and they raise ticket.
If they can solve issue for the issue, fine...else helpdesk assigns ticket to the Level 2 technical group.
Ticket status keeps changing from open, working, resolved, on hold, back from hold, closed etc. The way we handle the tickets vary depending on the client. Some companies use SAP CS to handle the tickets; we have been using Vantage to handle the tickets. The ticket is handled with a change request, when you get the ticket you will have the priority level with which it is to be handled. It comes with a ticket id and all. It's totally a client specific tool. The common features here can be - A ticket Id, - Priority, - Consultant ID/Name, - User ID/Name, - Date of Post, - Resolving Time etc.
There ideally is also a knowledge repository to search for a similar problem and solutions given if it had occurred earlier. You can also have training manuals (with screen shots) for simple transactions like viewing a query, saving a workbook etc so that such queried can be addressed by using them.
When the problem is logged on to you as a consultant, you need to analyze the problem, check if you have a similar problem occurred earlier and use ready solutions, find out the exact server on which this has occurred etc.
You have to solve the problem (assuming you will have access to the dev system) and post the solution and ask the user to test after the preliminary testing from your side. Get it transported to production once tested and posts it as closed i.e. the ticket has to be closed.

3.What is User Authorizations in SAP BW?
Authorizations are very important, for example you don't want the important financial report to all the users. so, you can have authorization in Object level if you want to keep the authorization for specific in object for this you have to check the Object as an authorization relevant in RSD1 and RSSM tcodes. Similarly you set up the authorization for certain users by giving that users certain auth. in PFCG tcode. Similarly you create a role and include the tcodes; BEx reports etc into the role and assign this role to the userid.


Mei Yee said...


Regarding the custom solution to suppress the message using function RRMS_MESSAGE_HANDLING, do you mean that we need to change the standard function module and add in the code?

Appreciate your kind assistance.