Showing posts with label sap bi process chain issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sap bi process chain issue. Show all posts
All About Process Chains....Use of RSWAITSEC Program to introduce delay in the Process Chains
Posted by Sharath Labels: bi certification material, business intelligence Training, BW, Difference between DTP and Infopackage, SAP bi certification material, sap bi process chain issue, sap bi support, sap BI support issues
By Mohanavel at
Objective: Introducing
time delay in the process chain with help of standard SAP provided program
Background: With the use of
interrupt process type in the process chain we can give the fixed delay to the
subsequent process types when the interrupt step is reached. But when we
use the standard interrupt process type we have to mention the date and time or
event name.
In many cases interrupt step
might not help, if suppose an interrupt step is introduce to delay the
subsequent processes by a definite period of time, and if all the steps above
to the interrupt gets completed early then instead of passing the trigger to
the subsequent step after the desired wait time, the interrupt will force the
chain to wait till the conditions in the interrupt are satisfied.
In order to achieve the delay
in the trigger flow from one process type to another in a process chain without
any condition for the fixed time limit or event raise we can use this RSWAITSEC
Scenario: In our project one of the
master data chain is getting scheduled at 23.00IST. This load supplies data to
the report which is based on 0CALWEEK. The data load and an abap program in the
process chain make use of SY-DATUM, so a load that starts on sunday 23:00 if
doesn't complete by 23:59:59 hours (1 hour duration) then the entire data gets
wrongly mapped to the next week. .This will cause discrepancy of data.
So it was required to schedule
chain at 23:00 IST everyday except sunday, and at 22:45:00IST (15mins earlier)
on Sundays.
Different Ways to Achieve the
above Situation:
Creating two different process chains and scheduling the
1st process chain at 23.00 IST for Monday to Saturday (Using factory
calendar), scheduling the 2nd at 22.45 IST only for Sunday.
Disadvantage of 1st method:
Unnecessarily creating two chains for the same loads, this makes
way to have multiple chains in the system.
2. Scheduling the same chain at
22.45IST and adding the decision step to find and give interruption of 15mins
for Monday to Saturday. So on Sunday it will get start at 22.45.
Process Chain with Interrupt Process Type:
Disadvantage of
2nd method:
If suppose you want execute
this chain with immediate in other time, then my interruption step will wait
until 23.00 IST to get start the load for Monday to Saturday loads.
Better Way of Achieving with
RSWAITSEC program:
Scheduling the chain at 22.45
and adding the decision step to find whether its Sunday or other. If
Sunday then next step would be directly to the local chain, if the particular
day is between Monday to Saturday then the next step would be with RSWAITSEC program(SAP
std program). In the program variant we have to mention the desired
time delay in Secs(900 Secs).
Compared to above two methods, this will be the better way to achieve the
desired output. Even though if I run the process chain with start process
as immediate on other than
Sunday’s my local chain will not wait until 23.00IST to reach, it will wait for
15mins and it will get triggered.
As this is the SAP provided one no need to move any TP for this, even in
production we will be able to use directly.
Process chain with RSWAITSEC:
ABAP Process type with RSWAITSEC Program(which shown in the above
Setting the Variant value
(required time):
In the variant value we need to
mention the desired limit of delay in Seconds. My requirement is of with
15mins of delay, so I have given 900sec in the variant value.
So we can use this program in any stages of process chain to give
the fixed period of delay.
Hope this will be helpful.
All about Process Chains... in SAP BW Step By Step
Posted by Sharath Labels: bi certification material, business intelligence dashboard, business intelligence Training, BW, Process Chains, SAP bi certification material, sap bi process chain issue, sap bi stuff, sap BI support issues
By: Anonymous
I want to continue my series for beginners new to SAP BI. In this blog I write down the necessary steps how to create a process chain loading data with an infopackage and with a DTP, activation and scheduling of this chain.
1.) Call transaction RSPC
RSPC is the central transaction for all your process chain maintenance. Here you find on the left existing process chains sorted by “application components”. The default mode is planning view. There are two other views available: Check view and protocol view.
2.) Create a new process chain
To create a new process chain, press “Create” icon in planning view. In the following pop-Up window you have to enter a technical name and a description of your new process chain.
![name chain](
The technical name can be as long as up to 20 characters. Usually it starts with a Z or Y. See your project internal naming conventions for it.
3.) Define a start process
After entering a process chain name and description, a new window pop-ups. You are asked to define a start variant.
![Start variant](
That’s the first step in your process chain! Every process chain does have one and only one starting step. A new step of type “Start process” will be added. To be able to define unique start processes for your chain you have to create a start variant. These steps you have to do for any other of the subsequent steps. First drag a process type on the design window. Then define a variant for this type and you have to create a process step. The formula is:
Process Type + Process Variant = Process Step!
If you save your chain, process chain name will be saved into table RSPCCHAIN. The process chain definition with its steps is stored into table RSPCPROCESSCHAIN as a modified version.So press on the “create” button, a new pop-up appears:
![start variant name](
Here you define a technical name for the start variant and a description. In the n ext step you define when the process chain will start. You can choose from direct scheduling or start using meta chain or API. With direct scheduling you can define either to start immediately upon activating and scheduling or to a defined point in time like you know it from the job scheduling in any SAP system. With “start using meta chain or API” you are able to start this chain as a subchain or from an external application via a function module “RSPC_API_CHAIN_START”. Press enter and choose an existing transport request or create a new one and you have successfully created the first step of your chain.
4.) Add a loading step
If you have defined the starting point for your chain you can add now a loading step for loading master data or transaction data. For all of this data choose “Execute infopackage” from all available process types. See picture below:
![loading step](
You can easily move this step with drag & drop from the left on the right side into your design window.A new pop-up window appears. Here you can choose which infopackage you want to use. You can’t create a new one here. Press F4 help and a new window will pop-up with all available infoapckages sorted by use. At the top are infopackages used in this process chain, followed by all other available infopackages not used in the process chain. Choose one and confirm. This step will now be added to your process chain. Your chain should look now like this:
![first steps](
How do you connect these both steps? One way is with right mouse click on the first step and choose Connect with -> Load Data and then the infopackage you want to be the successor.
![connect step](
Another possibility is to select the starting point and keep left mouse button pressed. Then move mouse down to your target step. An arrow should follow your movement. Stop pressing the mouse button and a new connection is created. From the Start process to every second step it’s a black line.
5.) Add a DTP process In BI 7.0 systems you can also add a DTP to your chain. From the process type window ( see above.) you can choose “Data Transfer Process”. Drag & Drop it on the design window. You will be asked for a variant for this step. Again as in infopackages press F4 help and choose from the list of available DTPs the one you want to execute. Confirm your choice and a new step for the DTP is added to your chain. Now you have to connect this step again with one of its possible predecessors. As described above choose context menu and connect with -> Data transfer process. But now a new pop-up window appears.
Here you can choose if this successor step shall be executed only if the predecessor was successful, ended with errors or anyhow if successful or not always execute. With this connection type you can control the behaviour of your chain in case of errors. If a step ends successful or with errors is defined in the process step itself. To see the settings for each step you can go to Settings -> Maintain Process Types in the menu. In this window you see all defined (standard and custom ) process types. Choose Data transfer process and display details in the menu. In the new window you can see:
![dtp setting](
DTP can have the possible event “Process ends “successful” or “incorrect”, has ID @VK@, which actually means the icon and appears under category 10, which is “Load process and post-processing”. Your process chain can now look like this:
![two steps](
You can now add all other steps necessary. By default the process chain itself suggests successors and predecessors for each step. For loading transaction data with an infopackage it usually adds steps for deleting and creating indexes on a cube. You can switch off this behaviour in the menu under “Settings -> Default Chains". In the pop-up choose “Do not suggest Process” and confirm.
![default chains](
Then you have to add all necessary steps yourself.
6.) Check chain
Now you can check your chain with menu “Goto -> Checking View” or press the button “Check”. Your chain will now be checked if all steps are connected, have at least one predecessor. Logical errors are not detected. That’s your responsibility. If the chain checking returns with warnings or is ok you can activate it. If check carries out errors you have to remove the errors first.
7.) Activate chain
After successful checking you can activate your process chain. In this step the entries in table RSPCPROCCESSCHAIN will be converted into an active version. You can activate your chain with menu “Process chain -> Activate” or press on the activation button in the symbol bar. You will find your new chain under application component "Not assigned". To assign it to another application component you have to change it. Choose "application component" button in change mode of the chain, save and reactivate it. Then refresh the application component hierarchy. Your process chain will now appear under new application component.
8.) Schedule chain
After successful activation you can now schedule your chain. Press button “Schedule” or menu “Execution -> schedule”. The chain will be scheduled as background job. You can see it in SM37. You will find a job named “BI_PROCESS_TRIGGER”. Unfortunately every process chain is scheduled with a job with this name. In the job variant you will find which process chain will be executed. During execution the steps defined in RSPCPROCESSCHAIN will be executed one after each other. The execution of the next event is triggered by events defined in the table. You can watch SM37 for new executed jobs starting with “BI_” or look at the protocol view of the chain.
9.) Check protocol for errors
You can check chain execution for errors in the protocol or process chain log. Choose in the menu “Go to -> Log View”. You will be asked for the time interval for which you want to check chain execution. Possible options are today, yesterday and today, one week ago, this month and last month or free date. For us option “today” is sufficient.
Here is an example of another chain that ended incorrect:
![chain log](
On the left side you see when the chain was executed and how it ended. On the right side you see for every step if it ended successfully or not. As you can see the two first steps were successfull and step “Load Data” of an infopackage failed. You can now check the reason with context menu “display messages” or “Process monitor”. “Display messages” displays the job log of the background job and messages created by the request monitor. With “Process monitor” you get to the request monitor and see detailed information why the loading failed. THe logs are stored in tables RSPCLOGCHAIN and RSPCPROCESSLOG. Examining request monitor will be a topic of one of my next upcoming blogs.
10.) Comments
Here just a little feature list with comments.
- You can search for chains, but it does not work properly (at least in BI 7.0 SP15).
- You can copy existing chains to new ones. That works really fine.
- You can create subchains and integrate them into so-called meta chains. But the application component menu does not reflect this structure. There is no function available to find all meta chains for a subchain or vice versa list all subchains of a meta chain. This would be really nice to have for projects.
- Nice to have would be the possibility to schedule chains with a user defined job name and not always as "BI_PROCESS_TRIGGER".
But now it's your turn to create process chains.
1.) Call transaction RSPC
RSPC is the central transaction for all your process chain maintenance. Here you find on the left existing process chains sorted by “application components”. The default mode is planning view. There are two other views available: Check view and protocol view.
2.) Create a new process chain
To create a new process chain, press “Create” icon in planning view. In the following pop-Up window you have to enter a technical name and a description of your new process chain.
The technical name can be as long as up to 20 characters. Usually it starts with a Z or Y. See your project internal naming conventions for it.
3.) Define a start process
After entering a process chain name and description, a new window pop-ups. You are asked to define a start variant.
That’s the first step in your process chain! Every process chain does have one and only one starting step. A new step of type “Start process” will be added. To be able to define unique start processes for your chain you have to create a start variant. These steps you have to do for any other of the subsequent steps. First drag a process type on the design window. Then define a variant for this type and you have to create a process step. The formula is:
Process Type + Process Variant = Process Step!
If you save your chain, process chain name will be saved into table RSPCCHAIN. The process chain definition with its steps is stored into table RSPCPROCESSCHAIN as a modified version.So press on the “create” button, a new pop-up appears:
Here you define a technical name for the start variant and a description. In the n ext step you define when the process chain will start. You can choose from direct scheduling or start using meta chain or API. With direct scheduling you can define either to start immediately upon activating and scheduling or to a defined point in time like you know it from the job scheduling in any SAP system. With “start using meta chain or API” you are able to start this chain as a subchain or from an external application via a function module “RSPC_API_CHAIN_START”. Press enter and choose an existing transport request or create a new one and you have successfully created the first step of your chain.
4.) Add a loading step
If you have defined the starting point for your chain you can add now a loading step for loading master data or transaction data. For all of this data choose “Execute infopackage” from all available process types. See picture below:
You can easily move this step with drag & drop from the left on the right side into your design window.A new pop-up window appears. Here you can choose which infopackage you want to use. You can’t create a new one here. Press F4 help and a new window will pop-up with all available infoapckages sorted by use. At the top are infopackages used in this process chain, followed by all other available infopackages not used in the process chain. Choose one and confirm. This step will now be added to your process chain. Your chain should look now like this:
How do you connect these both steps? One way is with right mouse click on the first step and choose Connect with -> Load Data and then the infopackage you want to be the successor.
Another possibility is to select the starting point and keep left mouse button pressed. Then move mouse down to your target step. An arrow should follow your movement. Stop pressing the mouse button and a new connection is created. From the Start process to every second step it’s a black line.
5.) Add a DTP process In BI 7.0 systems you can also add a DTP to your chain. From the process type window ( see above.) you can choose “Data Transfer Process”. Drag & Drop it on the design window. You will be asked for a variant for this step. Again as in infopackages press F4 help and choose from the list of available DTPs the one you want to execute. Confirm your choice and a new step for the DTP is added to your chain. Now you have to connect this step again with one of its possible predecessors. As described above choose context menu and connect with -> Data transfer process. But now a new pop-up window appears.
Here you can choose if this successor step shall be executed only if the predecessor was successful, ended with errors or anyhow if successful or not always execute. With this connection type you can control the behaviour of your chain in case of errors. If a step ends successful or with errors is defined in the process step itself. To see the settings for each step you can go to Settings -> Maintain Process Types in the menu. In this window you see all defined (standard and custom ) process types. Choose Data transfer process and display details in the menu. In the new window you can see:
DTP can have the possible event “Process ends “successful” or “incorrect”, has ID @VK@, which actually means the icon and appears under category 10, which is “Load process and post-processing”. Your process chain can now look like this:
You can now add all other steps necessary. By default the process chain itself suggests successors and predecessors for each step. For loading transaction data with an infopackage it usually adds steps for deleting and creating indexes on a cube. You can switch off this behaviour in the menu under “Settings -> Default Chains". In the pop-up choose “Do not suggest Process” and confirm.
Then you have to add all necessary steps yourself.
6.) Check chain
Now you can check your chain with menu “Goto -> Checking View” or press the button “Check”. Your chain will now be checked if all steps are connected, have at least one predecessor. Logical errors are not detected. That’s your responsibility. If the chain checking returns with warnings or is ok you can activate it. If check carries out errors you have to remove the errors first.
7.) Activate chain
After successful checking you can activate your process chain. In this step the entries in table RSPCPROCCESSCHAIN will be converted into an active version. You can activate your chain with menu “Process chain -> Activate” or press on the activation button in the symbol bar. You will find your new chain under application component "Not assigned". To assign it to another application component you have to change it. Choose "application component" button in change mode of the chain, save and reactivate it. Then refresh the application component hierarchy. Your process chain will now appear under new application component.
8.) Schedule chain
After successful activation you can now schedule your chain. Press button “Schedule” or menu “Execution -> schedule”. The chain will be scheduled as background job. You can see it in SM37. You will find a job named “BI_PROCESS_TRIGGER”. Unfortunately every process chain is scheduled with a job with this name. In the job variant you will find which process chain will be executed. During execution the steps defined in RSPCPROCESSCHAIN will be executed one after each other. The execution of the next event is triggered by events defined in the table. You can watch SM37 for new executed jobs starting with “BI_” or look at the protocol view of the chain.
9.) Check protocol for errors
You can check chain execution for errors in the protocol or process chain log. Choose in the menu “Go to -> Log View”. You will be asked for the time interval for which you want to check chain execution. Possible options are today, yesterday and today, one week ago, this month and last month or free date. For us option “today” is sufficient.
Here is an example of another chain that ended incorrect:
On the left side you see when the chain was executed and how it ended. On the right side you see for every step if it ended successfully or not. As you can see the two first steps were successfull and step “Load Data” of an infopackage failed. You can now check the reason with context menu “display messages” or “Process monitor”. “Display messages” displays the job log of the background job and messages created by the request monitor. With “Process monitor” you get to the request monitor and see detailed information why the loading failed. THe logs are stored in tables RSPCLOGCHAIN and RSPCPROCESSLOG. Examining request monitor will be a topic of one of my next upcoming blogs.
10.) Comments
Here just a little feature list with comments.
- You can search for chains, but it does not work properly (at least in BI 7.0 SP15).
- You can copy existing chains to new ones. That works really fine.
- You can create subchains and integrate them into so-called meta chains. But the application component menu does not reflect this structure. There is no function available to find all meta chains for a subchain or vice versa list all subchains of a meta chain. This would be really nice to have for projects.
- Nice to have would be the possibility to schedule chains with a user defined job name and not always as "BI_PROCESS_TRIGGER".
But now it's your turn to create process chains.
Duplicate record found when update master data
Posted by Sharath Labels: Data loading, Extraction, sap bi process chain issue, sap bi support
Duplicate records error may occur during Master data extracting/loading. Usually reload from PSA or source system can solve the issue. But when it’s a daily load with process chain, an once for all solution is needed.
It’s possible to select the following if update only to Master data.
Open the InfoPackage –> Update tab –> Error handling –>Valid records update, reporting possible
But if data is updated to both Master data and ODS, you don’t have above selection, or you get below error message.
You want to load data to a DataSource in an ODS, that requires serialization.
You are not able to filter out incorrect records and write them to a separate error request. Error handling reset to “No Update; No Reporting”
This method works.
Open infoPackage –> Processing tab –> Only PSA, update subsequently in Data Target
Also, you can change in Source system,
RSA2 –> find a pulldown list called “duplicate record” –> 0: do not allow duplicates
Also will help if you can remove duplicates in the package level. Sample:
# Keep the most recent record on top
Sort DATA_PACKAGE by [field 1] ascending
[field 2] ascending.
# Remove duplicates if not needed
Delete adjacent duplicates from DATA_PACKAGE comparing [field 1] [field 2].
If it happens in a data mart delta load to both Master data and other data targets, the default delta infoPackage doesn’t have a choice of PSA. You need to create your own infoPackage.
Also, program RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL can be used to correct inconsistencies on SID entries.
You can try RSRV as well.
It’s possible to select the following if update only to Master data.
Open the InfoPackage –> Update tab –> Error handling –>Valid records update, reporting possible
But if data is updated to both Master data and ODS, you don’t have above selection, or you get below error message.
You want to load data to a DataSource in an ODS, that requires serialization.
You are not able to filter out incorrect records and write them to a separate error request. Error handling reset to “No Update; No Reporting”
This method works.
Open infoPackage –> Processing tab –> Only PSA, update subsequently in Data Target
Also, you can change in Source system,
RSA2 –> find a pulldown list called “duplicate record” –> 0: do not allow duplicates
Also will help if you can remove duplicates in the package level. Sample:
# Keep the most recent record on top
Sort DATA_PACKAGE by [field 1] ascending
[field 2] ascending.
# Remove duplicates if not needed
Delete adjacent duplicates from DATA_PACKAGE comparing [field 1] [field 2].
If it happens in a data mart delta load to both Master data and other data targets, the default delta infoPackage doesn’t have a choice of PSA. You need to create your own infoPackage.
Also, program RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL can be used to correct inconsistencies on SID entries.
You can try RSRV as well.
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